This Childbirth Education series features learnings that are most relevant to folks being cared for by community midwives and planning a home or birth center Birth.

Together we will touch into the physiology, physicality and emotionality of birth, learning the ‘nitty-gritties’ of labor, birth and postpartum, and also building skills for coping with these stages, in mind and body, as a birthing person and partner.

We will use embodied practices, mindfulness practices, and connection practices to ground the ‘knowledge’ we learn with skills for being with the intensities of birth and postpartum.

This offering is 4 sessions long, 2 hours each and will be offered at a location in Berkeley with a maximum of 6 birthing families. I ask $375 for enrollment in this series. Please reach out if you need alternative arrangements!


Saturdays May, 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th from 1:30-3:30.

Future series have not yet been scheduled. If you are interested in an in person class specific to the community birth setting in the East Bay, please reach out and I will do my best to accommodate.


This class is designed as a private, in-home offering for you and your birth partner. Alternatively, you can build a small group class of your friends/peers that is tailored to your group’s desires and needs. This offering can be made relevant to folks planning home, birth center or hospital Births.

We will meet 3 times to review a curriculum built to support you in understanding the physiology of labor and birth, building resources between you and your birth partner for preparing for and coping through labor, and understanding the early postpartum time and how to set yourselves up for a smooth and connected experience of becoming a family.

Our meetings will range from 1.5-2 hours and include hands on practices if you desire. Morgan’s curriculum is informed by many years of midwifery practice, her own two births, and many trainings in body work related to birthing people and birthing times (Body Ready Method, Internal Pelvic Release, Holistic Pelvic Care, Arvigo Abdominal Therapy (formerly Mayan Abdominal Massage)).

For a single family, this offering is a $600 investment. A reduced rate will be offered for small group classes.